Letting people everywhere know they matter, through handwritten, unexpected letters of appreciation




to help people feel authentically connected to one another by sharing their kind thoughts. Join me on this mission to invite in a more mindful, purposeful, and meaningful life one letter at a time.

We all have kind thoughts, but rarely share them…no more missed opportunities for connection!


a world where we’re not afraid to tell ourselves, our peers, our children, our colleagues, and our neighbors what we appreciate, respect, admire and love about them. I believe when we feel connected, noticed, and valued, we are unstoppable!



A Few Kind Words, The Power of Writing Unexpected Letters of Appreciation, will show you how together we can create a seismic shift towards appreciation and away from judgement.

Our world is begging for it!

The Benefits of this Overlooked Intentional Kindness Practice

  • You'll Feel Better

    Do you want to feel less stressed, more connected, happier and sleep better? How about feel more mindfully present, purposeful, and more open to collaboration? This is all possible when you start regularly sharing your kind thoughts in writing. I think you’ll like who you’re being when you adopt this practice.

  • It's a Multiplier

    It feels deliciously nourishing and energizing to share your kind thoughts in writing and seal your gratitude in a letter to be received by your unsuspecting letter recipient who then, in turn, gets to feel valued, seen and appreciated. First, your day gets better when you take the time to fill your mind with positive thoughts and then your recipient’s day gets better when they hold your gratitude in their hands and let it nestle in their heart. Let the ripple effect begin…

  • No Skills Required

    …just a desire to bring more abundance into your life. It’s never too early or too late to be introduced to or reminded of the powerful practice of intentionally sharing our kind thoughts.

Through specially curated workshops, offer the gift of A Few Kind Words and watch the magic happen.

These workshops were inspired by my transformational journey of writing an unexpected letter of appreciation to a different person every day for one year. It offers you, your friends, and colleagues a simple and powerful mind shift towards positivity.

My workshop opens you up to the empowering yet overlooked practice of writing unexpected letters of appreciation to enhance your personal and professional life. It offers an energizing strategy to help you navigate this sometimes chaotic world we all share. 

I offer workshops for private gatherings, businesses and schools.

Sunday Paper reader and new writer Tracey Willis Gates says writing letters of gratitude for one full year taught her the unifying and healing power of kindness. That’s right, there is power in kindness.
— Maria Shriver

About Tracey Gates

Certified Life & Wellness Coach and founder of A Few Kind Words

“What kind of person do you want to be?”

That question is my beacon on my life journey. I want to be known as someone who leads with kindness. I want to create a community of fellow kindness ambassadors. I believe in a world where, someday, people will share appreciations more easily and often than they’ll share judgements. A world where kindness is the norm and not the exception. My greatest hope is that I can start a movement of appreciation through A Few Kind Words. I’d love it if you’d join me.

Let’s talk!