“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou

I offer you a simple way to


your personal and professional life.

Gather together a group of friends, your neighbors, your book group or host a Happy Hour with a Purpose and spend one hour learning a life practice that will recharge your batteries, fill your tank, tip the scales from negativity to positivity and possibly change your life.

Just share your kind thoughts when you have them.
No more missed opportunities for connection!

A Few Kind Words workshop is an inspiring master class in reminding us how powerful we all are. When we take the time to notice one another, engage in conversation and actually listen we can find so much to appreciate about those in our orbit. When we express our affirmation and appreciation through handwritten unexpected letters of appreciation, there is a beautiful energy shift towards calm, connection and happiness for both the letter writer and the recipient.

Open yourself up to powerful possibilities…

  • Our relationships are the most important things in our lives.

  • You’ll like who you’re being when you share your kind thoughts.

  • We can create joyful, positive, and contagious energy by expressing our appreciation for others.

  • When we’re mindfully present and affirm from the heart, we physically feel better, our stress is reduced, we are more optimistic, and our relationships are nourished.

The Workshop:

  • 1 -1.5 hours in length

  • Includes the option to write your own unexpected letter of appreciation during the last 15 minutes of the workshop.

  • Sharing and questions are encouraged and welcomed.

  • I have hosted workshops in homes, businesses, stores, churches, and non-profits. Intentional Kindness has no boundaries.

I will share:

  • Moving and empowering personal stories that I experienced over the course of my yearlong letter writing journey.

  • Eye opening insights and wisdom gained from the hundreds of interactions my letters fostered

  • My simple recipe of the 3 Super S’s for how to write a letter of appreciation.

  • A tangible & nourishing way for you, your friends, and colleagues to experience a more meaningful, productive and connected life.

“If you are looking for a meaningful way to engage positive thinking and center yourself to see what’s good in the world, spend an hour with Tracey. Her positivity, warmth and likability is well worth your time."

- Claudia, Workshop Host