“When we feel like who we are and what we do matters, we are more willing to go above and beyond and to stick around.”

Rachel Druckenmiller, UNMUTED Founder and CEO

Does your company foster a culture of


Your company’s culture is one of your most powerful assets. When you express authentic, meaningful appreciation consistently, you create a climate where people thrive. A climate where colleagues and clients feel engaged and empowered to work together towards ambitions goals. Lack of appreciation is one of the main reasons that people leave their jobs.

A culture of appreciation costs nothing and pays huge dividends:

  • Keeps your team motivated

  • Improves relationships and encourages collaboration

  • Fosters a sense of belonging and connection at work

  • Builds trust which is essential in business

  • Creates authentic relationships which translate into referrals

When you consistently celebrate effort and intention (not just outcomes)
through letters of appreciation, you:

  • can make a colleague or a client feel valued, opening the door to more business opportunities!

  • create an atmosphere of empowerment and collaboration

  • have a happy and engaged workforce

I will share:

  • Moving and empowering personal stories that I experienced over the course of my yearlong letter writing journey

  • Eye opening insights and wisdom gained from the hundred of interactions my letters fostered

  • My simple recipe of the 3 Super S’s for how to write a letter of appreciation.

  • A tangible and nourishing way for you, your friends and colleagues to experience a more meaningful, productive and connected life

The Workshop

  • 1 -1.5 hours in length

  • Includes the option to write your own unexpected letter of appreciation during the last 15 minutes of the workshop. Letters are not shared

  • Sharing, conversation and questions are encouraged and welcomed

  • Intentional Kindness has no boundaries.

Press the pause button and re-focus your employees attentions on a simple yet often overlooked practice that has the potential for huge payback.