Dreams have no expiration date…but Fear does!
In the 5 weeks since I launched my book, The Power of A Few Kind Words: Create a More Meaningful Life One Letter at a Time, I have been privileged to give 5 book talks, sign hundreds of books and been the guest on two podcasts and one radio show. It seems like an out of body experience for me. I have dreamt of writing a book for so long and sharing my message/mission through book talks but for decades I never really believed that I would actually do it. Or, that I could do it. I had no professional training in writing, I didn’t know anything about the publishing business and ……….I didn’t believe that anyone would really be interested in what I had to say. For over three decades I allowed fear of failure to sit in the driver’s seat and take control. It was my own life coach who told me it was time for “fear” to be buckled into the back seat and it was my time to take the wheel, step fully into my discomfort and write the book I have always wanted to write. I have eternal gratitude for that advice and now I offer the same advice to you. The overwhelming joy and sense of accomplishment that I feel is a precious gift that keeps on giving and you can feel the same thing as well.
I invite all of you to dream big and then act on it! Buckle your fear into the back seat and go on a wild ride through the jungle of discomfort. It’s exhilarating to check the box on something you’ve always wanted to do but thought you were too old (I’m 61!), not interesting enough, not smart enough, etc, etc…… Marianne Williamson says “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?” You are magnificent and it’s never too late to shine your bright light. What a crime it would be to get to your deathbed and feel like you still had “your music inside of you.” Release your gifts from the dark recesses of your mind and allow them to dance in the light of acknowledgement. Imagine what our world could look like if it was filled with people who are tapping into their potential. A ground swell of people leading with confidence and purpose.
What I think you’ll find is that the discomfort is not as uncomfortable as you may think. The fear of the unknown is what may be holding back. Make the choice to be bold and courageous because once you dip your toe in the water of your dream, I believe you will be swept away on a current of excitement and promise of wonderful things still to be uncovered.
Check the expiration date on your fear. I think it’s time to pour it down the proverbial drain! Have fun!