Your “Cup” List
We’ve all heard about creating your “Bucket List”, but I want you to consider creating your “Cup” List. A bucket list can seem daunting…what do you want to accomplish, experience, and create before you die? A dream big list that may seem unattainable, but you would be doing the happy dance if you could check it off your list before it’s…. too late.
I want to offer you the dialed down version of a bucket list and have you consider what do you want to accomplish, experience, create today that would feel exciting, productive, invigorating or just simply….gets you out of bed!
A Cup List is somewhere between a to-do list and a wish list. It’s small attainable things that keep you moving forward. It’s things that you can accomplish in a day or a week without having to fly around the world, climb Mt. Everest or get on the NY Times best seller list. I am talking about simply cleaning out one closet, writing that overdue thank you letter, reaching out to one job prospect or calling that long lost friend who you have been thinking about. Completing any of these things would allow you to feel good about yourself when you put your head on the pillow. You moved forward rather than jogged in place or fell behind. That’s the magic of a Cup List.
We feel energized when we can see ourselves making progress. As I like to remind all of my coaching clients “small hinges swing big doors.” Forget the bucket list and concentrate on your Cup List. It’s a visual that feels more attainable, and we like to feel like we can check things off a list. I encourage you to put things on your Cup List that nourish you. When you are kind to yourself first, it becomes that much easier to be kind to others and to shift into a positive mindset. Its not just about things that seem like work. Fill your list with projects, challenges that feel delicious. On your list can be things like:
Start your day soaking in the tub so you feel relaxed first thing.
Walk to your favorite coffee shop so you can get the blood flowing and use up lots of your steps before even having your favorite chai latte.
Buy a coffee for the person on line behind you and make 2 people’s day, yours, and theirs.
Attend a concert and invite a friend or just go by yourself and enjoy your own fabulous company.
Open up your windows on the first warm day and blare your music like you did in college.
Have a deliberate laughing attack. Just watch videos of people getting scared or pets wearing socks and you’ll be releasing endorphins that will launch you into a good day.