Make Your Life More Zesty!

When you say the word Zesty out loud or just to yourself, don’t you get a little zip of energy?  It is hard to consider that word and not think whatever you’re describing is better off because of it.  A recipe that’s described as zesty is vivid, fresh, invigorating.  Everything that has a pop of lemon or orange zest on it looks prettier and has that zing of flavor that makes it memorable.  Don’t you want to be with someone who has a “zest for life?”  I sure do. That personal description makes me conjure up an image of someone who is fully present, engaged, interesting and quite simply fun to be with.  Someone who isn’t sitting around waiting for the world to come to them but has an effervescent aura about them that’s contagious.  

I’ve discovered one way to make your life zestier is to focus on your relationships.  Authentic connections are the zest that I sprinkle on my life.  Every time I have a meaningful conversation or take the time to share a kind thought, I feel a zing of zest settle into my soul.  When I don’t take the time to ask how someone is doing and listen for the answer or I stay focused on my phone and not on the check out clerk in the store or on our children or partner, I feel bland and zestless.  I’ve found that lots of little connections can add up to a burst of flavor that enriches my life.

Don’t settle for bland, fine, boring anymore.  Make your life zestier!  Try something new and see how you feel.  Then share that experience with someone.  It’s the mixture of flavors and spices that makes a recipe so delicious.  I want to encourage you to open up to the people around you and start to create an outrageously delicious recipe for life.  When we combine lots of different opinions, cultures, attitudes, stories, and adventures together that’s when life starts to feel zesty.  Step out of your comfort zone and shake up your day.  Make the choice to engage with the people around you. Ask the barista at your favorite coffee shop an open ended question. Invite a friend to explore a new hike with you and notice the beauty around you. Have an impromptu pot luck dinner with your neighbors.  Look up and say yes to life.  Be open to the possibility you can become someone who exudes enthusiasm and positive energy.  If this sounds daunting, then think about who has a zest for life in your world and spend more time with them.  Zest is contagious, delicious, joyful and an antidote to “fine”.

A little zest can go a long way.  I wish for you and effervescent day!


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